If you have a dog that has arthritis, this can be painful for them. How much pain they feel will depend on the type of arthritis they have. There is relief available for your dog, however, so it can feel much better and feel much less pain. Keep reading for two tips so you can take your dog to a veterinarian to start treatment.

Pet Acupuncture

There are some veterinarians that are licensed to use acupuncture for animals. They choose to use this for many things, including pain. This is a safe treatment that does not use any type of drugs.  

Your dog's veterinarian will first determine exactly where your dog is feeling pain. They will then choose trigger points where it is best to insert the needles. The needles are thin and not painful when inserted into the skin. Your dog may feel a tiny pinch, but they should not feel hardly any pain at all. There is a chance that your dog could develop an infection at the needle site, but this is very rare. 

How many times your dog will have to see the vet for pet acupuncture depends on how much pain they are in and the type of problem they are having. 

What You Can Do

There are many things you can do on your own to help your dog feel less pain. One is to make sure they have a comfortable bed to sleep and nap on. Purchase a bed that is large enough and make sure it is well padded. Keep their bad away from damp or cold drafts. If you have any flooring that is slippery, put rugs in these areas so your dog will not slip and fall. If your dog has to walk down a lot of steps to get outside, consider installing a ramp for them to make it easier.

Massaging your dog's muscles can also help. This is because massage helps stimulate and increase blood flow to the painful joints. Hire a certified massage therapist that works with animals. They can show you how to properly do these massages. 

If your dog is overweight, this can make them feel much more pain. Talk to your vet about a good eating plan, as well as the best type of exercises your dog can do.

Your vet can prescribe pain medication if needed. They can also prescribe joint supplements to help build up cartilage and make your dog's joints healthier. 
